
Appalachian Gear Company通过新的NC设施升起生产



金山,NC - 2021年6月24日-阿巴拉契亚齿轮公司这是一家专门从事美国制造的绩效服装和装备的户外生活方式公司,很自豪地宣布将其扩展纳入北卡罗来纳州国王山的新制造工厂。此举将允许品牌显着增加其屡获殊荣的All-Paca™产品的生产,同时在夏洛特大都市地区创造就业机会。

过去30年来,阿巴拉契亚齿轮公司的创始人看着服装制造业离开美国。Since getting started in Charlotte in 2018, App Gear Co has always manufactured 100% of its fabric in its own facility, with product assembly taking place at various factories across the Southeastern U.S. As demand grew for the brand’s unique performance Hoodies, Crews, accessories, and gear, it became clear it was time to find a larger space that could accommodate the pace of manufacturing needed to keep up. As a result, App Gear Co’s founders returned to their roots and relocated to historic Kings Mountain, where they started their first-ever manufacturing operation. By staying in North Carolina, App Gear Co is able to have better oversight of the manufacturing process, ensure the production of higher quality garments and gear, and guarantee employees have a safe working environment.

“App Gear Co真的开始在两年前开始发展,因为越来越多的人开始了解我们,然后Covid Chruck,”Appalachian Gear Company联合创始人John Gage表示。“讽刺地,2020年是我们品牌的公众意识爆炸的年度,我们真的在努力跟上了面对影响我们从秘鲁的原料流动的需求。我知道很多人,决定找到一个更大,更好的空间来发展我们的业务,这是一个不可想象的,但我们只是认为它是坚持的创业精神,帮助我们在品牌中开始品牌的企业精神第一名。”

生产已在新设施开展,七月计划中有一款带丝带剪裁仪式。有关更多信息,请联系Suzanne Hermannsuzanne@darbycommunications.com.或访问appalachiangearcompany.com.

关于Appalachian Gear公司
