


银色春天,MD -在预期伟大的美国户外行为的代表房屋,美国徒步旅行社会(AHS),提供了这些陈述:

凯特van Waes,美国徒步旅行社执行董事:“伟大的美国户外行动的最后一段是徒步旅行社区的重大胜利,将扩大所有人的户外活动。随着大流行闪耀着明亮的灯光,需要公平地进入自然空间,保护LWCF永久资金和解决大部分公共土地维护积压将大大增加公共土地和全国各地的邻居的娱乐机会,包括那些历史上缺乏访问。“

Janelle Paciencia,Nextgen Trail Leader,美国徒步旅行社会:“Systemic racism has created high barriers for marginalized peoples to access the outdoors and while the Great American Outdoors Act won’t solve the issue of how we can diversify our outdoor spaces, I believe it will give Black, Indigenous, and People of Color a fighting chance to take up space. Why? Because this legislation guarantees that funding will be made available for future generations to continue to conserve our public spaces by permanently funding the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) and fixing the public lands maintenance backlog, which will address recreation and conservation needs in every state across our country. As a future ancestor, I urge this historic piece of legislation to be quickly signed into law, which will act as a stepping stone for our real work to help create equitable access for all generations of peoples to come.”


