
Kris McDivitt Tompkins到Keynote 2020 American Alpine Club年度福利晚宴在丹佛,CO


Golden, CO (May 22, 2019) — The American Alpine Club, the country’s oldest and largest climbing advocacy organization, is thrilled to announce that the club’s 2020 Annual Benefit Dinner will be returning to the Denver area with conservationist Kris McDivitt Tompkins to keynote the event. The weekend event is scheduled to take place March 13-15, 2020 with the Annual Benefit Dinner scheduled for Saturday, March 14th.

在1973年毕业后,克里斯加入了朋友Yvon Chouinard,帮助他的小攀登设备业务成了世界上最大的户外装备和服装制造商之一的巴塔哥尼亚。作为巴塔哥尼亚的首席执行官,克里斯为本公司成为一个领先的户外零售商和社会良好力量。

克里斯于1993年从巴塔哥尼亚退休,并已婚登山者/企业家Douglas Tompkins-北面和Esprit的联合创始人。Kris和Doug一起踏上了新的使命,恢复智利和阿根廷的恢复和重新狂放的景观。最近,克里斯在历史上完成了最大的私人土地捐赠,超过100万英亩,捐赠了智利的创造或扩大了十个国家公园。迄今为止,Tompkins保护帮助节省了超过1420万英亩。

The American Alpine Club’s Annual Benefit Dinner always promises to be an inspirational and fun gathering of the climbing community to celebrate achievement, reflect on our values, and raise money for on-going work to protect climbing landscapes, build and nurture community, and support the advancement of climbing.



