
Toray与Patagonia团聚,推出新的Torrentshell 3L系列



当Patagonia改建了Torrentshell 3L防水/透气外套在2020年春季零售处首次亮相时,该行业将不仅看到持久防雨的新基准,而且还将恢复Toray和Patagonia之间的长期合作伙伴关系。


Market demand for lighter weight, 2.5-layer fabrics led to a decline in the Entrant/Patagonia business in the early 2000s, although Toray continued to supply fabric for innovative new products like Patagonia’s Nano-Air, establishing ‘Active Insulation’ as a product category in the industry.

2020年的Torrentshell 3L系列已经恢复了其更舒适,更耐用的3层根,并带有新的疏水膜,托雷(Toray)对巴塔哥尼亚(Patagonia)进行定制设计,比市场上的大多数雨衣更持久。新面料具有100%回收的面料 - 源自后工业和消费后的来源 - 根据巴塔哥尼亚自己的测试,比其前身更持久地防水。为了与另一个Patagonia优先级保持一致,新的Torrentshell系列是公平贸易认证™缝制的。

“Never Gets Old” is Patagonia’s tag line for the new generation of Torrentshell, which addresses the sustainability issue on two fronts: by using 100% recycled face fabrics and by a design commitment from both Toray and Patagonia to build durable rainwear that can last customers a lifetime or longer.


  • 由巴塔哥尼亚(Patagonia)领导的行业正在努力更多地使用可持续和回收的面料。虽然可回收的面料提供相同的最终用户性能,但它们更难编织。Toray是为数不多的可以管理它的制造商之一。
  • 渴望更耐用,更持久的膜,以延长巴塔哥尼亚客户所期望的雨衣的生活和性能

“ Toray为我们开发定制面料以满足客户需求的能力感到自豪。”“与许多纺织公司不同,我们在自己的全球工厂网络中生产和测试我们的面料。这使我们能够更快地进行改进和修改。Toray的目标始终是成为合作伙伴,而不仅仅是供应商。”

“Toray and Patagonia have worked together on many successful projects over the years”, says Kristo Torgersen, Patagonia’s Global Product Director, “and the new Torrentshell 3L program is another benchmark of how aligning our partnership and focus on innovations that reduce our environmental footprint while improving performance can grow our brands and businesses together.”

2020年将是新的Toray/Patagonia关系的激动人心的一年,因为新的Torrentshell 3L是Patagonia产品计划中的第一项,该计划是由定制的Toray Fabrics设计和制造的。