


Veteran Rack Manufactarcher Marks本月的四十年“轻松”

奥斯威科湖,奥勒。,2019年8月19日 -从一个小的Yakima Valley Machine商店中的谦虚开端成为户外行业中最知名和心爱的品牌之一,亚基马本月庆祝其40周年纪念活动。

“自1979年以来,户外运动爱好者依靠Yakima安全,轻松地运送他们用来用来做他们所爱的东西的装备,”亚基马营销高级总监Joel Grabenstein说。“我们谦卑,荣幸地在过去的四十年里一直在无数的冒险中。”

作为周年纪念日的一部分,Yakima持有其“每一个贴纸讲述一个故事”的比赛。Between now and the end of August, Yakima customers are encouraged to visit explore.yakima.com/40th-anniversary, upload a photo of the stickers they’ve collected on their Yakima cargo boxes and racks, and share the stories behind one or more of the stickers. One entrant will be selected at random to receive a prize package that includes a $250 Visa gift card, a $250 gas card, and the winner’s choice of $1,500 worth of Yakima products.

“如果没有使用我们的产品的人,我们就没有,”Grabenstein说。“每个贴纸讲故事的比赛是一种有趣的方式,让他们多年来分享他们与Yakima Rack和Boxes的所有令人敬畏的冒险,并为我们感谢他们的支持。”

作为首批认识到对运输自行车,滑雪板,董事会和更多的可靠性,易于使用的解决方案的公司之一,Yakima继续推动户外行业的创新,并协助新的娱乐家们换档野外。亚基玛’s motto, “Take it Easy,” is embodied in every product it makes, most recently in its line of pickup truck racks, introduced this spring, and in its collection of fishing rod carriers and the new LockNLoad platform rack system, both of which will debut next month.

自1979年以来,汽车架和货物管理解决方案的先驱,亚基玛以其坚固耐用和可靠的产品而闻名。Yakima产品建立了各种各样的娱乐家,体现了公司对质量和安全的承诺,并对户外活动的热情。Yakima Products,Inc。总部位于俄勒冈州波特兰之外。有关更多信息,请访问万维网亚基玛com并在社交媒体上关注Yakima:facebook.com/yakimaracks.,@yakimaracksInstagram.推特, 和Youtube.com/yakimaproducts.